The Epiphany Closet is a UK business, based in the heart of Northamptonshire. Our mission is to create clothing for wellbeing, with meaningful connections. Empowering others to share your thoughts, wear your feelings. Community is at the heart of our brand.

Thank you all for helping raise £130 to date. 'Know Your People', Find Your Tribe T-shirt.

Support Cancer Research with each purchase of our collaborative t-shirt. Join us in making a difference for a wonderful cause. Read more about Helen's journey by clicking below. .

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The Epiphany Closet - Creating Meaningful Connections

The Epiphany Closet is on a mission to promote motivation, wellbeing, and community through our range of stylish and comfortable clothes. Our brand was born out of a true passion for personal growth and a desire to give back to others who may be facing similar challenges.

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